Seminars, Workshops

Seminars, Workshops, Conferences, Sabhas have been conducted to educate people and government and non-governmental organizations on the importance of rescuing GAU and GAU SEVA. Since 2006 Manjula Sree garu has been fighting for bringing about an awareness in various social classes of people in this regard. In the then, undivided state of Andhra Pradesh she had worked with various temples on the foundation of a Sree Gokulam by each of the temples where the Sree Seva foundation takes pride in saying that the G.O s by (ENDOWMENT DEPARTMENT OF ANDHRA PRADESH) for such establishments are still in the name of SreeSeva Foundation itself. The Endowment Commissioner was P.Sundara Kumar at that time and supported this cause heart fully. We take this opportunity to mention that there is no second thought that the Sree Seva foundation under the guidance of Manjula Sree garu has been instrumental in bringing in awareness in South India and has gained the credit of vouching for the importance of GAU SEVA and rescuing them for our own good. The Sree Seva foundation website has all the related information regarding these exemplary activities.
Even at the TTD we have taken a call and initiated the idea of having a separate fund for GAU SEVA by attending four important board meetings and submitting all the related paper work. This cause was well received by the TTD chairperson Sri Kanamuri Bapiraju Garu and E.O ,L.V.Subramanyamgaru who amended the TTD rules, hence Sree ManjulaSree Amma garu has brought about this awareness and initiative was taken both by the governmental and non-governmental organizations respectively.
All GAU Shalas should have an Animal and Husbandry department, She had been coordinating the activities, till then Electricity bill and Municipal tax were paid commercially and She proposed them converted to Agricultural taxes and bills, This was supported by the Principal Secretary Sri. Bhale Rao Garu and the Director Sri.M.V Reddy garu.
Also, as a part of the Animal Husbandry programme Sree Seva Foundation (SSF) has been taking Animal and Husbandary department services by linking to Goshala a particular region to the Government Veterinary Hospitals, for conducting regular checkups and providing free medicines.