(Young and Dynamic Spiritual lady monk)
On her lips fascinating smile shines…
Thro’ her words Fragrance of Spirituality spreads…
In her looks Light of Tranquality twinkles…
She is a torch bearer of Devotion…
Her aim is spreading selfless Love ofcourse…..
Nightingale of Tiruppavai ‘SHE’ is…..
She recites countless Poems, Slokas, Paasurams at ease…..
Motivated, persuaded souls by her are many……
Never she cared for earthly pleasures etc….
From “I” to “we” from darkness to light her journey is blessed as She…..
“Live and Let Live” her voice is…..
“Love all – Serve all” she repeats alwys…..
Her leasure time goes inn spreading God’s Leelaas and Cleaning Goshalas……
Absorbed a number of religious teachings…..
Explain the inner meanings of Vedic Mantras….
She is none other than……………………
She is India’s Splly, in Telugu States renowned person has dedicated her life to bring up the forgotten spirit of humanity by only mean SERVICE..
Her first GURU is Her Mother…. She served somany Achaaryaas and learnt many Saastraas from them… Her firt lecture on GITA is on her 8th age. From 10+2 onwards she started Hindu Dharma Prachaaram almost full time.
Not only giving speeches She started a trust named..
Sri Tiruppavai Kokila Manjula Sree, the Founder & Chairperson of SSF is one of the greatest spiritual ambassadors of Andhra Pradesh in recent times, spoke often with great force and feeling on the need to protect cows. The main activities of SSF are:
- Performing Gau Seva (Cow Pooja)
- Construction & Maintenance of Cow Protection Shelters (Goshalas)
- Agitations and Rescue of cows and calves
- Production of Panchagavya Products (Cow based Products)
- Panchagavya Products Training Camps to SHG Groups
- Sree Kriya (Conducting Yogic Pranayama Classes)
- Tulasi Seva (Free distribution of Herbal plants)
- Conduct of Spiritual, Social Messages and Programmes (Classes and Discourses)
- Kumkum Udhyamam (everyone has to wear kumkum at forehead, who are following to Vaidik Dharm)
- Telecasted above 10,000 episodes through different TV channels (Gemini, Maa TV, Samskruti, TV9, RVS, TV5, Maha TV, Bhakthi TV, DD8-Sapthagiri) propagating importance of Hindu Dharma Sastras in modern life like Ramayana, Bhagvad Gita
- Awareness on Climate Change
- Computer Training Programmes for Youth
- Awareness on Water Conservation
- Gender Sensitization
- Vocational Training
- Organic Farming Training
- Consumer Awareness Camps
- Road Safety Awareness Programme
- Awareness on Food Processing
- Educational Camps
- Aksharabhyasams Programmes for children
- Conducting training camps to the volunteers on a regular basis to train them in running study Centres.
Besides its main commitments, SSF is also actively involved in propagation of Alaya Seva (Protecting of Old Structures) and also cleaning the temples;
Teaching of Sanskrit, Telugu Languages & Conducting Moral, Ethics classes; Publishing of Sree Publications (Publishing of books & CDs for children); Service Activities for Poor Kids viz., Distribution of toys, books, slates in government run schools); Publishing of Sree Seva Online Monthly Magazine (for 4 years – 2006 to 2010); etc. It also promote and propagate of the values, beliefs, faiths and the philosophic thoughts associated with the Vedas, heritage, tradition and culture of Hindu Religion.
Sree Seva Foundation (SSF) has been creating Awareness on Panchgavya Products and importance of cow in Andhra Pradesh in addition to the regular spiritual & moral education propagations, etc. The panchagavya products have many advantages viz., health improvement, environmental protection, Swadeshi vastu viniyogam, etc.
SSF has been strengthening the rural economy by increasing the value addition of panchagavya products to the rural farmers. The farmers can also generate income by manufacturing Panchagavya products from the cow products, which are not giving milk and can protect the cows as per Hindu rituals. SSF has been conducting training programmes to the farmers on ‘preparation of panchagavya products’ and helping them to generate income out of these products.
It has its own two Goshalas are located at Sreenagar Village, Maheswaram Mandal, Ranga Reddy District and another at Banjara Hills, Road No.71, Hyderabad. SSF is also producing Panchagavya products and proposed to expand further.